Henry Pool Deck
Posted on Sep 18

We helped the Henry’s give their pool deck and patio an upgrade along with a few new additions. This project was completed at the end of August 2011 in Boyertown, Pennsylvania.
The project started by removing all the existing paint that the homeowners had installed on the entire pool deck and lower patio. Once that was completed we removed sections of the existing pool deck that needed replacement. Next we formed and installed two different sets of steps that were not originally there. Once the new concrete had cured for 30 days we came back and started the overlaying processes. We overlayed the entire pool deck, lower patio, new steps, belco door area, and the landing exiting the rear of the home.
This project was challenging as we had to come up with a way to hang the gazebo in mid-air and stamp under and around it, since we couldn’t move it because it was ready to fall apart. Total duration not including the cure times was approximately 30 days. The base color for overlay is called Cemented Deal with two highlight colors of Black Walnut and Paprika.